Multiculturalism and the Green Party
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011One of the foundational global Green values is respect for diversity. We need to continue supporting the richness that comes from our multicultural identity.
More lessons for Harper on Parliamentary Democracy
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011Boy, Harper does not understand Parliamentary democracy. In a minority Parliament there is NO presumption that a party with most seats governs. If Nick Clegg had decided to work with Labour, then...
Correction to Harper
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011In a minority Parliament no party "wins the election." They receive a qualified mandate to form government and can only govern while they have the confidence of the House.
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011To get a government that respects citizens, we need to remove the hyper partisanship. I worked in government when cooperation was more common. We need to bring that spirit of cooperation back....
A Coalition
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011The bogey man of this election. We are told to be afraid of coalitions. Layton, Harper and Duceppe tried to set up a coalition. Ignatieff now says he has not problem with a coalition. We are...
Regarding the Contempt Motion
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011The contempt motion reflects the fact, as Professor Ned Franks, Professor Emeritus of Political Science at Queens University, has said that no government in Canadian history has so often lost on...
More on the tone in the House
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011I remember bringing my daughter to QP after I became GPC leader. She was so disgusted with the behavior on the floor, that she begged me to never make her attend again.
Bickering in Parliament
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011Harper is the person who has done more than any other PM to encourage a hyper-partisan tone in the House, but sadly all the others have descended to the same level.
Minority Government
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011We should have productive, constructive minority parliaments. To get there we need to put away the partisan rancor. We need to put Canadians first, work for the common good and stop the hyper...
Human Rights
Blog | Tuesday, 12 Apr 2011How can Harper claim we have a good reputation on Human Rights? Amnesty International just announced that we have fallen very far and in 2009 the UN was concerned about our human rights record.