
    From the East Coast Music Awards in Fredericton...

    Blog | Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008
    The East Coast Music Awards profile some of the most talented performers in the country. I have been lucky to have a lot of friends in the local music scene with zero musical talent myself! Dave...

    Headline in The Province in BC

    Blog | Wednesday, 13 Feb 2008
    Greens forcing Campbell's Liberals in BC to Adopt green themes: Throne Speech If you've ever wondered what difference voting Green makes you need look any further than the February 12 front cover The...

    Gomery on Harper

    Blog | Wednesday, 30 Jan 2008
    opacity, politicization, concentration of power vs. recommended transparency, independence, ending exclusivity from : "The...

    Model Parliament

    Blog | Saturday, 26 Jan 2008
    A week ago Friday I served as Speaker of the House for the Queens University Model Parliament. It was a wonderful opportunity to be with bright and engaged young people – several hundred of them....